Renters Information
Finding a place to rent can be overwhelming!
You want to rent the best apartment, townhouse, duplex or house for you.
Unfortunately, most rental listing services are really still just simple bulletin boards.
Limited and inconsistent information, in different formats, rarely provides all you need to decide.
You know what you want, but the information is not there to see if it meets your “must-haves.”
You comb hundreds of listings on several national and local apartment rental search web sites.
- Rudimentary search, save and compare features prevail.
- Duplications abound.
- Fraud and safety concerns lurk behind “Renter Beware!” disclaimers.
You waste hours of your precious time calling or emailing to answer the basic stuff.
- Does it have air conditioning, dishwasher, garage?
- Who pays for which utilities?
- Are pets OK?
- When is it available to rent?
Fortunately, APARTMENT ConNeXTion Makes Renting Simple!
Renting Made Simple!
Standard Format:
All the details you need to call for appointment to rent.
Your "must have" selection items are in the same place on every listing.
Descriptions written in a consistent "walking tour" sequence.

Complete listing information in side-by-side comparison format.
All listings display and sort equally in the same format.
Easy to search and compare listings, then save favorites to My Selections.

Sophisticated Search:
Target rentals you want to rent with 30 search fields, 10 Pre-Sorts, plus multiple keyword text search.
Quickly zero in on rentals with all your size, price and amenity “must-have” features.
Then click for “More Information” map, interior photos, floor plans & more details.
Save your favorites to My Selections.

Ownership and management verified for every listing.
"Apartment Rental Frauds" returns 27,300,000 Google search results.
Our independent listing owner verification is your best protection.

My Selections:
Create your own personal favorites page.
Search for similar rental listings.
Email notification of future similar rentals based on your saved favorites.

Optimized across all devices.
Preserves side-by-side rental search comparison format. Fully functioning search, save and compare features.

Smarter Search, Better Results
APARTMENT ConNeXTion fits your personal rental search preferences
- Market Overview: Use "Bedrooms" or "Areas" selections
Available rentals by ascending rent for comprehensive view of available rental options.
- Common Specific Searches: Use “Pre-Sorts” selections
Quick access to all listed rentals with specific commonly requested criteria such as:
Pet Friendly, Garage, House, New Listings, Campus, Next Academic Year Campus
- Smart Search: Finds exactly what you want to rent
- Specific listing search fields to target only rentals with your common "must-have" features:
Rent Range, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Type or Unit Style, Floor Level, Air Conditioning, Dishwasher, Laundry, Parking, Pet and Smoking Policies, Included Utilities, Area, City, Neighborhood, Street Name, Include or Exclude Campus - Keyword search for your personal important features without a designated listing search field:
fireplace, pantry, snack bar, stainless appliances, pantry, porch, patio, deck, loft, walk-in closet, bedroom set size (see floor plan below for minimum twin, full, queen, king sizes)
- Specific listing search fields to target only rentals with your common "must-have" features:
My Selections
The "My Selections" feature allows you to:
- Save your favorite rental listings to review in a side-by-side comparison format.
- Automatically find similar rental listings to your saved selections.
Create an account (Renters link “Create Account” on top of page) so you can:
- Receive emails with future new rental listings similar to your saved selections.
- Retrieve and modify your selections on subsequent site visits or from other devices.
To save a listing to “My Selections”:
- Click "+ My Selections" to save the listing to your personal My Selections page.
- Click the checkmarked "My Selections" to remove a saved listing.
Crowdsource Listings
If you encounter a listing that significantly differs from our listing description, please contact us. Describe the conflicts between our description any your observations from a viewing appointment. We will follow up with the owner, view the property and adjust the description so the next renter gets better information.
You can easily do this by clicking on the listing photo or more information (i) link.
Click the email link to open your default email program and address it to:
Type your observations in the top of the message field (please leave the http:// line in the message; it identifies the listing) and click "Send".
Your comments are greatly appreciated by us and other prospective renters.